
Training and competency

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We offer a wide range of training and development services, from individual awareness courses to full-service site- or asset-specific training and competence programmes.

Efficient operations require a well-trained workforce. High-performing teams will help your company meet production targets. Wood helps clients mitigate risks and maximise returns, with a confident, competent and safe workforce.

Dedicated professionals, full-service training and development solutions

We design and develop site-specific operations and maintenance training programmes for both brownfield and greenfield projects. Our dedicated team includes project managers, training specialists, engineers, technical writers, technical illustrators, animators, editors, publishers and software developers. As part of a global engineering company, we draw upon our network of technical specialists to support flexible, scalable operations and maintenance training for any industry.

Digital solutions to support training programmes

Virtual environments

Combining leading-edge applications with our 35+ years of training experience, we create immersive, interactive programmes simulating complex operations. Using 3D modelling, point cloud laser scanning, and 360° photography we can produce highly interactive, virtual training environments. Combined with the latest instructional techniques, your workforce can develop k现在ledge and skills in an engaging, experiential setting.

3D animations

We can transform your existing 3D engineering model into animations used for marketing, contractor orientation, safety animation overviews, and stakeholder engagement. The same animation can be repurposed and used in e‑learning programmes to enhance engagement by creating 3D equipment components and cutaways, flows and discreet process overviews.

We also create virtual field tours to test trainees on equipment locations and orient employees and contractors to assets in remote locations or offshore.

In this sample animation, we rendered an existing engineering model and used the assets to develop:

  • Project overview animation for government consultation and permitting
  • Animation to demonstrate the mobilisation process for project stakeholders, state and federal agencies, and operating company
  • Virtual field tours to test trainees on equipment location and orient contract personnel going offshore
  • 3D content to enhance the asset-specific e-learning programme

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Learning management system (LMS)

An online learning and competency management system is used to manage the training, evaluation, and competence 记录s of a workforce, and allows clients to schedule, 记录, and monitor training and competency assessments. An LMS allows you to assign training and assessments, and track employees’ progress through online, 离线, classroom, on-the-job, 现场, or off-site training. To help you maintain a compliant workforce, an LMS can also deploy compliance training and track the expiry of qualification requirements.

Wood’s OperatorSuite™ LMS is simple to set up, flexible, and can align with your project or company training framework, making the application instantly familiar and usable. Learn more about OperatorSuite.

Our core services include:


  • Training needs analysis
  • Safety, orientation, and awareness training
  • Project and asset overview animations
  • Training plans
  • Catalogue of fundamental e-learning courses


  • 3D process animation overviews
  • Asset-specific e-learning
  • K现在ledge assessments
  • Generic simulators
  • Instructor-led curriculum and training materials
  • Virtual and augmented reality scenario-based training
  • On-the-job training

Operational development

  • Operations and maintenance manuals
  • Standard operating procedures

Competency management

  • Skills assessments and competence development plans
  • Performance assessments
  • Career progression training
  • Online learning and competency management using Wood’s OperatorSuite™ LMS or other commercially available LMSs

For questions or enquiries, please email us.

Free webinars

Managing your workforce's competency

Some companies still use spreadsheets to track employee training, but this can quickly lead to gaps, inefficiencies or compliance risks.

In this webinar, you can learn how to administer, track and report on the training, competence and compliance of your workforce with the help of a learning management system (LMS).

You’ll learn how to:

  • Manage and organise training content and learners – a single source, all in one place
  • Streamline administration and delivery of training programmes
  • Measure results and generate reports for stakeholders, including auditors

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Creating practical and engaging training for facility operators

You have an asset that has cost your business millions, sometimes hundreds of millions, to build. But how do you train people on equipment that doesn’t yet exist? 

Join our free webinar and learn how to empower your technicians with the k现在ledge and confidence to operate equipment safely and efficiently, reducing risk and maximising profits.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Capture site k现在ledge for a future workforce
  • Create an engaging and effective training programme
  • Empower your operators by ensuring they are competent, confident and safe

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Get in touch
United by our common purpose to unlock solutions to the world’s most critical challenges, we are future ready, 现在.