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组织运营资产跨采掘, process and heavy industries are under pressure to safely maintain (and enhance) productivity while also trying to respond to demands and challenges of a changing world.

Inspections are critical to understanding the condition of operating assets. 从历史上看, executing a physical inspection program involves sending inspectors to sites, but this can be costly and expose people to challenging and dangerous environments.  This challenge has been compounded by the global pandemic with travel restrictions and limited site access.

It is not always possible to fully understand the equipment condition through traditional inspection approaches due to limitations in access, 工具和时间. The volume of inspection data that needs to be stored, reviewed and interpreted to determine the integrity of the asset and make informed decisions is also challenge – a challenge that continues to exponentially change.

没有正确的连接工具和专业知识, many organisations fail to gain the full benefits of an effective inspection-driven integrity management programme.

伍德 数字孪生技术 结合互联设计, 建立和操作程序, enabling clients to digitally integrate the design and operation of assets more effectively, 安全且成本低. 通过创建一个有效的数字孪生资产, 特别是它的条件, we can apply the best inspection practices to improve efficiency in data gathering, storage and analysis while also dynamically connecting the data with real time operations. Streaming this data and generating live 的见解 with our technology enables operators to maximise productivity, 优化维护,更好地管理风险.

每个运营商都有不同的风险偏好, 监管要求, 计划成熟度和行动时间表.  These variables mean that a ‘one-size fits all’ tool is not the answer. 为了解决这个问题,伍德开发了 NEXUS诚信中心, an integrity management tool that creates a dynamic digital twin of a facilities’ physical condition.  Combining 伍德 intimate k现在ledge of industrial assets with our leading-edge digital capabilities, this sector and asset-agnostic tool combines live production, 监控和检查数据, providing risk-based inspection (RBI) strategies to be developed which react to changing process conditions and updated inspection information.   This allows a prioritised list of assets requiring inspection, while also highlighting opportunities to extend inspection intervals and take advantage of the potential reduction in ongoing costs.

By implementing a NEXUS诚信中心 digital twin of their pressure systems, an operator showed a 60% reduction in inspection time, increased inspection effectiveness and a 30% overall reduction in inspection OPEX.  This has been achieved by using a bespoke digital model that is continually updated with live process data and up-to-date inspection results captured through ourmobile data gathering tools.

伍德 integrity teams are continually working with our partners and clients to create solutions that allowing clients to safely manage their equipment and asset risks in the most cost-effective way possible.  These include technologies and approaches such as, but not limited to:

  • Augmented machine learning combined with our specialist operational experience
  • 用于远程检查的无人机和机器人
  • 采用真正的生命周期成本法
  • Machine vision to rapidly screen and classify inspection images and findings
  • 采用非侵入式检查(NII)过程
  • Developing refined models to allow multi-variant analysis of risks (including climate, 财务及制作)
  • Increasing the use of sensors to better understand process and equipment condition, augmenting or eliminating the need for inspections altogether

At Wood, we are on a quest to unlock solutions to the world’s most critical challenges. We believe our people and our actions transform challenges into solutions, 好奇心让我们不断前进, 创新, 把不可能变成可能.

最初发表于 世界博览会杂志.

United by our common purpose to unlock solutions to the world’s most critical challenges, 我们为未来做好了准备, 现在.