

提供流动保障, 技术咨询, 资产绩效管理, 以及全球范围内的工作流自动化和优化解决方案.

Wood offers a global team of specialists experienced in applying advanced technology for the design 和 optimal operation of oil & 天然气生产、管道和加工设施. Our services 和 solutions provide clear value-added solutions for our customers in the upstream, 油气中下游工业及其他加工工业.

Wood’s team of more than 175 consultants are world-class experts in flow assurance 和 combining strong analytical capabilities 和 innovative technology in transient multiphase flow, 热力学, 动态过程仿真, 生产化学, 计算流体动力学, 多相计量/分配, 数据分析和机器学习. 我们还提供先进的过程控制解决方案, 环保合规管理, 培训和能力, 供应链管理, 和制造执行系统(MES).

流保证 & 技术咨询服务

伍德拥有最大的独立流动保障专家团队, 多相流模拟, 计算流体动力学(CFD), 过程模拟, 生产化学, 操作、故障排除和计量 & 分配. 我们的专业团队以创新的技术支持我们的客户, 良好的工程实践, 以及强大的分析和经过现场验证的数字工具.

我们的专业知识涵盖陆上和海上资产的所有项目阶段. We underst和 和 mitigate key flow assurance issues through our 技术咨询 services, 从设计到操作. 我们专注于提高效率、安全性和成本.

二十多年了, 我们已经成功交付了超过4个,000 flow assurance 和 related consulting services projects for 200+ companies worldwide.


Wood offers advanced field-proven digital tools 和 world-class 技术咨询 services to our clients in upstream 和 downstream oil & 天然气、加工、化工和炼油行业以及其他市场部门.

We offer solutions geared for real-time 资产绩效管理 (APM), workflow automation & 优化和培训 & 能力管理. These solutions cover the full range of our clients' design 和 operational requirements, 包括, 但不限于, 领域的发展, 生产井监测和监督, 综合石油 & gas operations management 和 optimisation, as well as processing, chemicals 和 refining operations.

石油 & 气体操作:

Wood为实时资产绩效管理提供数字化工具, 从孔隙到过程, 包括从上游到下游操作的各个方面. 这些解决方案包括:

艺术大师® - Wood's field-proven suite of digital tools for online simulation of integrated systems, 包括水井, 管道和其他上游加工设施的操作. 这些工具也用于进行工程研究,油田开发 & 操作计划和操作人员培训. The unique modularity of these packages offers clients full flexibility to deploy fit-for-purpose solutions that address all of their assets' operational requirements 和 challenges in one package.


Our expertise in monitoring systems can assist enterprises in ensuring optimised operations by using 和 implementing advanced software. 还为资产性能管理部署了以下应用程序, 特别是对于过程密集型操作:

ProDyn 副总裁链接 – These packages offer a feature-reach data visualisation interface 和 rigorous 过程模拟 designed for built-for-purpose fidelity process dynamics simulation. They have also been used extensively as operator training systems (OTS) to train our clients' operators 和 facilitate improved comprehension 和 retention. 在需要时, the systems can be supplemented with a number of commercial dynamic simulation engines 和 can emulate or interface to various control systems in order to give the operators a real-world experience.


此外,Wood还提供了其他性能可视化工具. 这些包括:

ProRPM – real-time performance monitoring software interfaces to various data sources such as plant historians, 集散控制系统, 企业资源计划(ERP)系统, 等. 并以灵活的, 用户可配置的仪表板,可以自定义每个用户. These systems also include calculation engines to calculate performance metrics 和 interface to various commercial simulation engines to enable comparing real-time operation to asset design..


设想TM – helps clients’ environmental 和 operational staff efficiently manage complex air regulation calculations 和 monitoring requirements, 包括分析仪QA/QC, 实时地, 24/7. Envision提供自动化的, reliable data assurance 和 calculations a plant needs to operate in compliance 和 more cost-effectively. 这个目的, dedicated system allows a focus on higher-value activities while continuing to meet regulatory agency compliance requirements. 昂科威为工厂提供从控制室到董事会会议室的服务.

ProGHG – complete solutions to assist petroleum 和 natural gas producers in automating the greenhouse gas (GHG) reporting process. 该应用程序包括数据输入, 从各种现有数据库导入数据, 数据集成, 数据验证, 排放计算及分析.

工作流自动化 & 优化


大师 -功能丰富的后处理工具,帮助我们的客户准确可视化, 分析和解释他们的模拟结果. 它处理这些结果从稳态和瞬态流动模拟器, 并帮助用户更好地了解生产网络的运行包络, 盛行相行为和条件, 以及潜在的操作限制. 它旨在简化整体流动保证工程工作实践, st和ardise routine post-processing activities 和 offers advanced flow assurance calculations, 包括Wood的ECE -电子腐蚀工程师.

适用于连续制造工厂的供应链管理, 伍德提供了以下工具,用户可以很容易地配置和修改.

ProPlan 和 ProSched -用于优化石油供应链的计划和调度包, 对炼油厂和化工厂进行规划和经济模拟. The ProSched software allows the optimisation of scheduling of logistics assets 和 creates a detailed schedule for asset operation for various time horizons.


Wood’s advanced process control team provides consulting 和 full project implementation with industry-leading APC technologies, 工艺知识和控制技术.

We have the experience required to implement control applications from simple FEED to the industry's latest developments in multivariable, 基于模型的, 预测控制技术,包括DMC等行业领先的平台, DMC +, 霍尼韦尔利润控制器, 艾默生德尔塔V预测和预测专业, 和卡特勒ADMC.

制造运营管理 & 制造执行系统(MOM & MES)

Wood delivers a complete project life cycle – from initial simultaneous engineering activities workshops through to system h和over – for a complete project size range. In the discrete manufacturing industries our simulation 和 robotics expertise reduces project execution time for faster commissioning 和 start-up.

Our manufacturing business continues to be first choice for many of the world’s largest automotive companies 和 are on the forefront of electric 和 hybrid car manufacturing. 我们集成了机器人和汽车装配输送机的控制系统.

Wood also has a specialized group focusing on h和ling high level control services 包括 Information Systems, 软件开发, 系统分析, 和网络来实施和整合业务计划, 物流和制造运营管理系统.


cmms和企业资产管理系统(EAM)提供资产管理, 工作管理, 物料管理, purchasing management 和 financial management capabilities to asset intensive businesses. Wood拥有使用各种应用程序(如IBM Maximo)的丰富经验, SAP PM和Oracle eAM.

United by our common purpose to unlock solutions to the world’s most critical challenges, 我们为未来做好了准备, 现在.