













伍德的多学科全球项目团队设计, supplied and installed four replacement coke drums for OMV Petrom's Petrobrazi refinery in just 65 days, helping maintain production targets and critical energy security for Eastern Europe.


年原油加工能力4万吨.500万吨, Petrobrazi is one of the most important refineries in Romania and critical to the nation’s energy security.

巴西石油炼油厂位于普洛耶斯蒂市附近,由 OMV Petrom是东南欧最大的综合能源公司.

自2005年以来, OMV Petrom has invested more than EUR 2 billion in its Petrobrazi refinery, with a third of this investment contributing to reducing its impact on the environment.

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自2009年以来, Wood has supported OMV Petrom across a multitude of complex greenfield and brownfield projects as part of an ongoing framework agreement. The Coke Drum Replacement (CDR) project is part of a series of major upgrades Wood is executing to OMV Petrom’s refinery, as well as greenfield installations including polyfuel and coker blowdown units.

在巴西石油公司的焦化部门, four coke drums were nearing the end of their design lifetime and replacements were essential to maintain production levels. Coke drums are a critical part of the refining process and operations cannot continue without them. 需要设计四个新的替代品, 设计和安装绝对精确, 与现有焦化装置结构完全吻合.

With a strong global reputation for delivering major complex projects including a high degree of technical and organisational complexity, 2020年6月,伍德被选中设计, supply and install four coke drums within existing coke unit infrastructure. Scope also included the assessment and replacement of coker unit pipelines, 电缆和仪器如果被发现使用寿命已到尽头.

从2022年8月开始, the entire project needed to be completed in just 65 days to avoid disruption to the refinery’s output, OMV Petrom production targets and energy security for Eastern Europe.

Pin accuracy and organisational complexity during a global pandemic

Due to the requirement for 焦炭桶 to fit perfectly within existing infrastructure, accurate calculations and exceptional attention to detail was essential to eliminate the possibility of project setbacks.

COVID-19 was at its height and local lockdowns were in place during the project’s early stage, 意思是远程通信, thorough preparation for on-site work and compliance with authorities was paramount. 焦炭筒的设计是远程完成的, informed by laser scans of the existing unit taken by the local team to model the new assets.

Contractors meticulously followed precise drawings and measurements provided by Wood, manufacturing coke drums using high quality materials compliant with updated regulations, 创造适合未来的现代化替代品.

一次检查质量和精度, 焦炭桶, 每个重200吨, 从布加勒斯特的车间被动员到现场. Transportation of 焦炭桶 was planned during night time to minimise local disruption, 涉及50多辆车辆和警方护送.

吊杆, 拆除现有焦炭桶, 安装新的焦炭桶,重新安装井架, a 1,需要600吨履带式起重机. 在动员前两年预留, the assembly of the crawler crane required more than 160辆卡车 to deliver components from Northern Europe to site. During the lift, the net weight of the derrick structure was a staggering 429吨s.

While engineering comes before construction in many traditional projects, 这个复杂的项目需要两者同时进行. Meticulous planning and precision engineering made the project a great success, 仅低于最初预算,提前两天完工.


If you’re looking for specialist consultancy or engineering, we want to hear about your challenge. 这一切都始于对复杂项目的理解.


United by our common purpose to unlock solutions to the world’s most critical challenges, 我们为未来做好了准备, 现在.