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今年在ADIPEC, 世界上最大的能源会议, Wood hosted a leadership roundtable to bring industry leaders together to discuss how the energy industry can achieve a sustainable balance between the demands for secure energy supply and the need for a just transition to net-zero.

海湾的情报, the strategic session brought together senior leaders from across the industry, 包括透露, OGCI, 阿拉伯国家石油公司, 汇丰银行和氢能委员会, to consider growing energy security concerns amidst the current geopolitical, 社会和经济背景.

作为能源领域公认的世界领导者, the Middle East is at the heart of this discussion and is already gaining significant momentum in its path to achieving 2030 ambitions. How can the industry scale up this transition at pace, 低碳生产, invest in clean energy and still supply energy to meet growing demand?


房间里有一种明显的紧迫感, 甚至穿过ADIPEC展厅, that finding balance between energy security and energy transition was the top priority facing every part of the industry value chain, from national resource owners and their operating partners to midstream and downstream supply chains, 脱碳是每个人的首要任务.” said 肖恩·埃弗斯, Managing Partner at 海湾的情报, and the moderator of the session.

Ensuring energy security means not only providing consistent access to energy, 但也要确保以可承受的价格供应. Producers across the globe are investing in technologies and prioritising energy efficiency to manage the increase in demand. 然而, this rapid increase in demand could lead to a rise in carbon and other emissions. Policy changes and government decarbonisation targets are placing pressure on producers to diversify their energy mix and accelerate the energy transition as well as drive investments in cleaner, 现代能源.

达蒙希尔, Wood’s President of Growth and Development for projects, 会议主持人说, “It was evident from the discussion that fossil fuels will continue to play a major role in safeguarding a steady and reliable energy supply. 然而, to ensure we don’t undermine the efforts already in place to tackle climate change, the industry needs to continue addressing this challenge at pace and set their own strategies to reduce their carbon emissions throughout the value chain.”

Leaders around the table expanded on the topic regarding stronger climate targets and investment incentives, which the global environmental agenda has accelerated, and how this has created more momentum around hydrogen and CCUS in particular.

Damon added: “氢 is an attractive energy source due to its cleaner burn and versatility and while the pipeline for these projects continues to grow, the deployment is trailing and production at scale is a new challenge facing the industry.

“The Middle East is positioning to become one of the world’s major hydrogen hubs, 专门用于制造绿色氢. Not only does the region have access to plenty of low-cost renewable sources of energy, but it has the capital required to integrate renewables into new and existing infrastructure.”

The roundtable concluded with an agreement that energy security and energy transition are not separate challenges. 通过转型实现能源多样性, digital integration as well as reducing emissions from existing energy sources are all key to ensuring the security and stability of energy supplies, 现在和将来. 行业合作至关重要, invests and continues to commit to addressing these challenges to ensure a sustainable world for generations to come.

The output of the roundtable discussion is being collated into a whitepaper which will be released early next year.

想听听伍德对这个话题的更多见解? Listen to our latest podcast with Wood’s Technology Development Director, Richard Spires和海湾情报管理合伙人, 肖恩·埃弗斯, 在ADIPEC 2022期间现场录制: 在转换能量时确保安全: can we strike the balance? |木材.com)